Week 2 proved to be similar to week 1. Caroline has unofficially started her residency with her attendance to all my commitments this past week and even an afternoon of seeing patients (Major props to her Daddy for also accompanying us for that afternoon). But enough of that! I am officially on maternity leave....and I'm very happy about that!
She continues to be a very good baby. She's now on an every 3 hour eating schedule, so I'm not getting quite as much sleep as I was the first week, but I really can't complain...though I probably will in my sleep deprived state.
The first week pic was taken at a park where we had a picnic with a church group we meet with from time to time. I realize this is not obvious by the picture, sorry for the lack of creativity. It seems a bit more challenging to stage a cute picture these days, especially with a cute three year old to manage as well. The second pic is just so there was at least one picture with her eyes open...this is still the minority of the time these days.