Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Birthday fun

I had a fabulous birthday celebrated over the last few days. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it! Below are pics from our impromptu trip to the Knoxville Zoo today. Lily was a huge fan of the bronze turtle and the billy goats (and cow, that's the big black thing a couple of pics down). All received pets, hugs AND kisses (seriously we had to restrain her from the goats, it was too funny!).
We were lucky to have Aunt Lynn close enough to us that she, mom and Jonathan came up for dinner and some quick Lily time. We, of course, had to round up the rest of the troops and make it a lovely dinner event! It was so wonderful having everyone together and I appreciated being sung 'Happy Birthday', even if Lily thought it was to her!! The bottom pic is from Memorial Day when the Harrelson's swung by for a quick visit. Poor Lily was SO under the weather that day...but she (and we) had fun regardless!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fence Week 2009

So, after building a fence at Taylor's Ridge, we decided to give it another go here in our new house. The one caveat, it involves over 500 feet of fence! Fortunately, Dad and Jonathan were feeling most gracious and offered their assistance. Thanks to their help, we were able to finish the fence in a week....but that should not detract from the significance of this endeavor. 1 antiquated auger, 42 bags of concrete, 65 posts, and 1,078 pickets later the fence looked great! So once again, thanks to Dad and Jonathan for their help, and to Mom for all the cooking, cleaning and babysitting she did while we were out digging holes in the backyard.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pics from our quick furniture buying trip to Knoxville....

Lily enjoying some quality reading...