Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Friday, August 31, 2007

Team Campbell

Watch out Williams' sisters, there's a new family in town. Thanks to our sponsors Adidas and Aunt Dena, we're the new threat on the tennis circuit.....or at least we will be in about 18 years, or so. Now, it's going to be hard to be a tennis star and a soccer legend at the same time, but that's where Gator "I'll retrieve any ball you throw or kick at me" Campbell will come in.
So for all the Harkey clan up in NY for the Open this weekend, tell them to enjoy it while they can 'cause the Campbell pack is comin'.
And P.S., we hope you have a great time!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Guard Dogs

One of our biggest concerns bringing Lily home was how our other two children would react to their new baby sister. While never really affecting Gator "Life is good" Campbell, Thatcher had to spend a week or so pouting before he realized that Lily wasn't so bad after all. As the weeks have passed, the only really lasting change for the boys has been a somewhat "hyper vigilance" on their part in regard to movement and noises outside the house (feel free to insert your own joke about how "hyper" they already were). But, as you can see in this picture, they are also quite fond of napping close by us when we have Lily. We're convinced that as she gets older, she'll have two friends that will look to take very good care of her....which likely includes plenty of licking!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Week 7

Today we took an adventure to Asheville to celebrate the coming of Anna and Sam's new bundle. We intended on taking our 'picture of the week' at casa de Harrelson, but when the time came, the star of the show was sound asleep. So, with a bit of a drive home, we thought the wiser and let sleeping babies lie.

I like the picture above because it shows how chubby Miss Lily's cheeks are getting! Personally I think she's turning into quite a chunk, but that just means more of her to kiss!

We had a great time at the baby shower, with all sorts of Anna and Sam's friends and family in attendance, some of which we haven't seen since their wedding. Baby Harrelson is due to arrive in just 6 short weeks. We can't wait!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 6

Week 6 brought with it a new induction into Milligan College, for Dave, a visit from Grandma Olmstead and more cooing, smiling, and cuteness from Miss Lily than we've ever seen, not to mention excellent head control for her age (which comes in very handy for her weekly photo shoots). She's becoming so playful and frequently laughs at what appear to be her own inside jokes, she may just have her father's sense of humor after all!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What's up doc?

My new doctoral robes arrived today, just in time for the weekend matriculation ceremony at Milligan. The "copper" velvet band and piping represents the field of economics, while the green and gold signify George Mason University. I suppose there is nothing left to it but to begin shaping the minds of the next generation of free marketeers!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Just 'Cause

There really isn't anything significant about these pics, just thought she was too cute to pass up. There's also the perk of a distraction from studying for my boards........taking pictures of my everyday-changing-precious baby girl capturing moments that I'll never have back.......OR Re-learning about mucopolysaccharide storage diseases.......hhmmmm tough call.
P.S. the second pic is Lily waking from a nap, caught in the middle of one of her stretches

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Well, Nana and Grandpa stopped by to visit their grand daughter over the last couple of days. They swung through on the way to Mom's high school reunion in Galax, supposedly it is a 5 year reunion....or at least there is a 5 in the number somewhere. Afterwards, Mom and Dad will be going to the "World Famous" Fiddler's Convention for a smorgesbord of blue grass music. We hope they will enjoy a turkey leg and a rendition of "The Devil Went to Georgia" for us!

Week 5

According to the doc, I'm 10lbs 8 ozs, finally outweighing my daddy when he was born!

Monday, August 6, 2007

First Workout

Well, having exhibited some ability to control her head, and a definite inquisitiveness, we have decided that it was time to get out the activity gym for Lily. Here she is at her first work out, wearing her Adidas workout outfit. As a true Nautical Wheeler, she has already shown an affinity for all things related to the ocean. So far her favorite exercises are Sea Turtle Curls (randomly flailing arms in any direction), Coral Kicks (fully extending both legs while filling diaper), and Blow Fish Neck Bends (raising head for just a second before it plummets back to original position).

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I'm One Month Old!

Who knew time would go by so fast! I can't believe I'm one whole month old! There are alot of things I'm starting to do now; I focus much better than I used to and I hardly give my mom and dad the 'crazy eye' anymore. I can also hold my head up for longer, I love to practice when I'm laying on my daddy's chest (I also push off with my feet and give him a little kick in the belly, I'm surprisingly strong!). But the thing my mom likes best of all is that I'm starting to make all kinds of sounds and if you catch me just right you may just find me giving you a smiley face (that's not even associated with gas!). I found my fingers today, they're really 'handy' to suck on instead of my whole fist (that's for babies). Yep, things just keep getting better and better, month 2 here I come!