Apparently it was her decision to give the army of Elvis's in Gatlinburg a run for their money on who would capture the luck of the day, 07/07/07. And that she did, Lily was born at 3:25 in the afternoon, weighing in at 7 lbs, 14 ozs, and measuring 21 inches long. She came out with a full head of dark hair, and two big, beautiful blue eyes, which if you are lucky she will glance in your direction.
The day itself went very smoothly. We arrived at the hospital around 7 am. Upon arrival, our labor and delivery nurse for the day (Lisa, who was incredible!), informed us that "by hook or by crook" we'd be having a baby today! Shortly thereafter, Emily had her epidural. From then until about 3:00, she seemed to be resting comfortably with the aid of modern medicine. As she was waking up after a little nap, she said, "I think Lily has moved a little lower." Lisa stopped by and took a look, then proceeded to instruct Emily that the time had come! 12 pushes and 25 minutes later, Lily was here!
Incidentally, for all the doubters, Daddy stayed in the room for the IV, epidural, labor, delivery (watched Lily come into the world) and even cut the cord, all the while staying vertical. As impressive as that may seem, the true glory of the day belonged to Mom and Lily, who as Lisa accurately stated later in the weekend, "made it look easy."
Very awesome post! Congrats again....I can only hope my experience will go as smoothly!
Thanks sooo much for posting all these great pictures. Lily is precious, looks so angelic and happy.
Congrats to all the family! Aunt Cheryl
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