Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wildlife.....a spotting, and an explanation

Emily spotted a lone fawn in the lot next to our house last night.  You can see it if you look closely at the next couple of photos.  We didn't see any sign of its mother, and when we checked the next morning it was gone.  Wish we could have helped in some way, but not sure what it would have been....other than perhaps to feed it some of my sweet potato vines.  I had noticed that something was biting them immediate thought was of deer, but we've never seen any around this house.  I did spot what looked like deer droppings, but again never having seen any,  I chose to attribute the sweet potato trimmings to the rabbits that I have seen in and out of the garden.

Well....I guess this is proof that deer are around, and almost certainly are the sweet potato culprits!

 The garden's second harvest of yellow squash, a cucumber and some sweet banana peppers.

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