Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Over the river and through the woods....

to Nana and Papa's house we go!  The girls, boys and I took a short trip up to northern Virginia last weekend to visit with Nana and Papa.  Unfortunately Emily had to work and couldn't make the trip....we missed her bunches.  But that didn't stop the girls from having a grand time as they played games with Nana, Papa, Jackson and Grier.  In addition to Go Fish and Blokus, the playdough, matchbox cars and dolls were as popular as ever.  We even got to go to the neighborhood pool a few times and have Lily show off her mad swimming skills.  CJ has the bug and I am sure she will have her first lessons before long.

Here are the girls showing Papa how the pretend to eat playdough.
 Family pic :)

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