Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

USS Maroofinus

What does summer boredom and power tools get you?

That's right! A mobile, aerial-fireworks command, complete with level guidance systems designed to keep from lighting the neighbor's (and ma-) roofs on fire, and beautiful patriotic colors. Who doesn't love the summer time!?!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

The year of the garden is in full swing. We've already got so many squash and zucchini that we have given away two bags of them and still can't find ways to eat it all. But here we have one of the tastier summer treats, a strawberry rhubarb pie. The strawberries are from the store, but the rhubarb is from the back yard. It turned out to be quite a tasty little dish, though most of that is probably attributable to the pastry chef pictured below :)

Unfortunately, there is no picture after baking because a not-to-be-named almost-3-year-old stuck her finger in the pie as it was cooling....didn't affect the taste though!

Peter Cottontail

I was out in the Avatar-like foliage of the squash patch this morning picking zucchini when I noticed something out of the ordinary....a white cotton ball....hmmm.....

A zoom in reveals that the cotton ball appears to be attached to the furriest baby watermelon I've ever seen!

And closer still I find out why we haven't had quite as many squash and zucchini as we did originally! This little fella is so brave that I was within 18 inches of him, left to get the camera, came back, got within 18 inches of him again, and he stood his ground. Apparently our little squash patch is quite the smorgasbord!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

36 weeks

Here are some of our latest picks from the garden.
I don't think the picture quite does the largest
zucchini justice, let's just say Lily is very quick
to tell you that it is 'Enormous'!

It also appears that we will have some pumpkins soon.
I'm not exactly sure what we will do with pumpkins in
the middle of the summer, though...

Finally here I am with 4 weeks to go...and 3 more 30 hour call days,
which to be honest is my larger concern :).


We took a short day trip to Sevastopol today and had a lot of fun. Sevastopol is significant as the source of pro-Russian sentiment in Crimea, which is the source of pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine. The Russians have had a deep water naval base at Sevastopol for years. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia agreed to lease the base from Ukraine. The most recent Ukrainian government (generally considered to be pro-Russian, if not actually Russian) has renewed the lease for an additional 25 years. This led to a nasty business in the Rada (Ukrainian equivalent of Congress) involving eggs and smoke bombs.

The first couple of pictures are from the ancient Greek city of Херсонес (pronounced hair-son-es) that was settled by Greek colonists in the 6th century BC. This city sits right on the Black Sea and was at one time a center for trade and the arts.

And now pictures (and the last one is a movie!) from the harbor:

David Davidovich (meaning David, son of David) and Georges taking the boat tour.

And just to give you folks back home a brief glimpse into my absolute and utter confusion listening to people speaking in Russian:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime adventures with Gran, and more garden pics

Lily apparently had no problem getting into the groove at a special production given by the local library. Mom said she started a few rows back and just made her way to the front, dancing and swaying the whole time.

Cooling off...apparently with some of the recycling....

Our budding entomologist and her magnifying glass.

SO much FUN!
(and I can't help but note to all the moms out there, that, yes it is the middle of June and yes it was 90 degrees out today, and yes Lily demanded to put this outfit on, despite my warnings of how hot she would be....Oy, independence!)

Cool as a cucumber...or zucchini.

The following should be titled, "this is love"
As I'm obviously knee deep in prickly squash/zucchini plants, almost 36 weeks pregnant picking those little devils that, of course, grow as close to the ground as possible, giving me a rash up to my elbows before it's all done....

Some quick pics

The rhubarb seems to be taking over the raised bed. Not sure exactly what to do with it, any suggestions would be appreciated. The 'basal forest' (as Dave calls it) is going strong.

Here's the 'punkin' patch....and I promise it's grown even since this picture. I really had no idea it would take off like this...I love it! By far my most favorite summer vegetables are squash and zuchinni so I'm so excited to have my pick! Mom cooked up a bunch last night and it was SO delicious, nothing like fresh from the garden!

Counting down the days until Daddy comes home, photo taken by Lily. Every morning Lily has 'calendar time' (as she calls it) with Gran. She gets to place the next day's number on the calendar and talk about the weather and turn the dial to the right weather sign. One of her new favorite things, now, is to give us weather updates. "The sun is behind the clouds,now." "The sun is shining, now, it's not cloudy anymore." etc. etc.

Lily was very excited to meet Mary Hudson's new baby sister Laura. Here we are just about to go into the hospital.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Day trip! Today we took a trip to the coast to visit Livadia and Yalta. It was in Livadia Palace that Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin worked out the terms of the peace, in effect ending World War II and beginning the cold war. Aside from the significant history of the area, it is quite simply an incredibly beautiful place. Its generally called the Crimean Riviera, and is the top beach vacation destination for many Ukrainians and Russians. In the Soviet days, one of the few opportunities to escape the soul-crushing grind of communism was to take your 4 week state mandated vacation at Yalta. Of course, in the Soviet Union, it is possible to be more equal than others....and it was only the most equal that actually got to cash in on their Yalta time.

And of course, there is the obligatory statue to guess who!?!?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Where will those crazy commrades think of putting a red star next?

Just a pretty spot on the river.

Hey Mom and Dad, since Chip took his home, do you want me to pick up one of these for the deck?

This is the largest futbol stadium in Simferopol, though there are several.

The seafood department of the local grocery store was alive with activity!

Can anybody guess who this wild and crazy guy is? His name is written on the front of the statue (hard to see because of the sun), can you make it out?

Stay tuned, tomorrow we visit Yalta, where the big three met following the Great Patriotic Wa...errrrr, I mean World War II!