Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morning Pictures

Emily has started her two week shift of night float, meaning that mornings are pretty much the only time we get to see each other. Since I am sans classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it gives us the opportunity to have a little time together. Here are some pictures from this first morning of night float.

To add an addendum (this is Emily typing) Lily looks perplexed in the second picture because we finally got a new rug..and this was her first sighting of it, not exactly sure what to make of it. And the less than pleased look in the last picture is the typical response we've been getting when I get home and she realizes that she has to leave me and go to Miss Mattie's. Her new favorite saying is 'I don't wanna go to Ms. Mattie's. ' It's enough to break my sleep deprived heart...

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