Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A loss and a gain

Somehow it seems fitting for us to be moving on this day. My father was always involved in my major life decisions, and though I am (regrettably) a certified adult, I miss his counsel and his presence everyday, but especially on a day like today. I have such mixed feelings about leaving this house. Though he has been gone the majority of the time we have lived here, he still was here, in this house, at that table, in that room. His hands helped build our fence. But now, we must move on, and in doing so leave some of these last tangible things behind. I remember, however, that it is all for the good. I know he would be excited that I'm FINALLY out of school and soon on my way to my career..and this new house will provide Lily and the boys with more room to run around. We are excited, but today, for me, it's just tempered with sadness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily, I am sad for you. My thoughts are with you during this time. Love you.
Amy Steger