So in light of the last two weeks' events, the blogging has lagged.
Here are an assortment of pictures from some of the latest happenings.
Sorry still no pics of the house...we're getting there, though.
All I know is it's a lot more to keep clean!!
Our very cool apartment for the weekend (Nicely done Mom!). It had unbelievable views, and was so pretty at night (I know, me saying the city was know it had to be good!)

That's the Hudson out the window...and no we couldn't see the plane, it had already floated by.


I told Dave I would bring him back an Omega....I'm good for my word, babe!! Mmmm...I think I'll have one of those too, please..
The girls before the show....I mean THE Show....Billy Elliott!!! By far the most entertaining performance I've seen in my was magical!
Catching the view from Chris and Sonia's roof...not too shabby!! I'm so glad I finally made it there to see!
My new little buddy....ohh, Lily and Janak would have so much fun together....he's just a ball of love!

Central Park Monday morning before we left, I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'd just like to publicly thank my mom for such a wonderful adventure, especially on the brink of a time in my life when such adventures will mostly be put on hold. I love you. Thank you!
Also, I'd also like to thank the Campbell's for their time and efforts made over the 'move week' including while I was gone galavanting in NYC!!! I am not capable of thanking you both properly. I love you both, thank you so much!
Now back to pictures!

I just thought this was cute...Gran took this picture. Oh yeah, she's also out of her highchair...about time, if you ask her. She loves her new seat, where she can sit at the table like a big girl!

Lily is trying out her new swing set!! She loves the swing, the only problem is that the weather has been so bad lately, that we haven't gotten out as much as we'd like....but the good news is that it's just in the backyard, ready when we are!!
Here's the new hairdo...yes, the baby mullet is gone!!! I can't wait to see what it looks like in the morning....more to the point, I can't wait to see if I cut it straight!!