Thankfully, out sitter's husband is on the mend. Though it was a little touch and go for a while, he is home from the hospital and healing quickly. We are very happy for their entire family. And while we are celebrating his quick recovery, I am a little down because I know that the lazy summer days of Daddy Day Care are drawing to a close. But what is a bummer for me is a boon for Lily, as she enjoys getting to play with the other children at Mattie's. So, in honor of our last week together (at least until the first week of July), here are some pictures from DDC.
The morning bowl of cereal never seems to come soon enough!

And here Lily is playing with some seems like she may have tried to spell something out but I can't quite tell for sure...

Finally, a couple of pictures from the new pool that Gran got for her. As time goes on, we are beginning to believe that her brothers may have got most of the water genes in this family.

OK, so Gator's picture does not actually feature him in water (in liquid form that is), but take our word for it, he loves it!
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