Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Keek 40

So, you'd think that having two parents as doctors (or soon to be doctors) they would be able to spell your week number right....well, in a word, wrong. So, instead of a Week 40 post we have a Keek 40 post. In any event, it features some of the wonderful facial expressions of Lily. Above, the sheer enthusiasm of a 9-month old is elicited from an empty water bottle. In the bottom left, pure distraction. In the bottom right, you can see her best imitation of Thatcher when he catches sight of Bandit (the cat next door).

Notice that in the bench and brick scenes, the name Harkey pops up a lot on the scenery... the pictures were taken at Milligan after all!

Emily Addendum: In the week picture the brick adjacent to the blocks reads Donna Harkey Olmstead (aka Gran!) (mom for your benefit I left off the exactly which Class you were in, hope you don't mind!)
p.s. Grandparents, check out the '2nd' website when you get a chance..

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