I believe it is only fitting that the ultimate non-planner (referring to myself) wound up with our children's birthdays one week apart. We have had birthday-palooza around here but it's all been wonderful and both girls have had a great time celebrating one another!
Caroline's shindig was at the house - with our usual set-up. The rain broke just in time for us to enjoy the outside with yard games and the new palyset.

This was Mom's creation for Lily's birthday - she took these to celebrate with the kids at school. Great Job Mom!!
What does every 4 year old girl want for her birthday? A Tool Set of course!!! This was specifically requested by Lily....
For Lily we took advantage of the 'all inclusive, just bring the cake' deal at Wallabies our local indoor inflatables play-place...at first I was resistant wanting to do most of the work myself...then sense struck me and I was SO grateful to give over control, especially with CJ's looming the next week. Lily and her friends had a blast.
This last pic is of Lil's and her friend Jacob being 'rambunctious' in the soft-play area...too much fun!