Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 44

'The Scrunch'

This is Caroline's favorite way to express herself these days.
Scrunching up her nose and laughing through it all at the same time.
We revisited our old stomping grounds and took a nice walk at the VA -
which provided for the backdrop for multiple week pics for Lily -so
we thought we would take advantage for Caroline, as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Professor's English Garden

Its finally here! All the time researching, raising seedlings in the garage, digging and redigging (I've dug the same ditch so many times I feel like a Keynesian!) will hopefully pay off in a month or two. Everything is in the ground and starting to come up. This year I've got a mix of tomatoes, peppers, carrots and onions. There's also a unique summer squash, two kinds of pumpkins (Polar Bear and Champion), Gremlin gourds and sugar snap peas.

If you look closely at this picture, you can see a decorative black trellis towards the back of the garden. It will soon be occupied by a morning glory, a climbing flower that has the peculiar trait of attracting ladybugs. Forget about the preying mantis which is just as likely to kill another predator insect (or, yes, its mate) as it is a garden pest, one ladybug can consume up to 5,000 aphids in its lifetime!

I hope its half as much fun to eat as it has been to grow! If not, then I'll just take Papa up on his offer to move down here and sell all the produce on the side of 36....after all, it was Papa who originally glossed it the "English Garden."

This bed is a good illustration of the companion planting I am trying this year. Placing different vegetables in the same bed mixes up the scents and tends to confuse predators. In most of these beds I've got some mix of tomatoes (Great White, Valencia, Brandywine and Roma), hot peppers, sweet peppers and onions. Its good to mix onions through out the garden because pests generally don't like the strong scent from any member of this family. The tomatoes are surrounded by marigolds for protection from pests. Then I add an herb or two for an additional scent and hopefully the ability to attract some predator insects.

The first produce of the year will be some delicious sugar snap peas!

Nasturtiums are great to have in the garden. Not only are they a bright and attractive flower, but they excel at attracting predator insects. They also serve as a "trap crop" for aphids...distracting them from less tasty meals such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

Mexican Tarragon has a powerful odor that just about all garden pests hate. Great to plant in the middle of a bed.

Borage is one of the best plants at attracting bees....which are beneficial because they tend to prey on the pests and will also do some pollinating while they are in the area!

A classic combination....pictured here is a French Marigold (the African variety work well too) long believed to protect tomatoes from many garden pests that would love to eat your tomatoes but hate the smell of the marigolds!

Carrot seedlings on the rise! I mixed together three different varieties of seeds to get a nice rainbow of color out of this part of the garden. The varieties are a tribute to Duke Dawg with White Satin, Deep Purple and Hercules.

Crawlee McCrawler

Not that Lily doesn't observe the attention Caroline gets for crawling and decide to do a little of it herself...but this post is definitely about Caroline. She did a real crawl for the first time this week. Nothing like kids allergy medicine to motivate infants to crawl!

I'm touching it! I'm touching it!

And finally the payoff....pleased as pie with herself!

Lily's Preschool Class

I picked up the class picture today for Lily's first year of preschool....thanks for a great year in the Yellow Room!

Monday, May 23, 2011

End of Year Party at Preschool

Well, it was a good first year of preschool. Its hard to imagine its over! I can't believe a whole year passed of me dropping Lily in the car line, picking her up at lunch and then dropping her at daycare (only to be picked up again with CJ at the end of the day).

One thing is for sure, Lily loved it! She made lots of friends (we think) and certainly had plenty of stories to tell from her days. We got a really great scrapbook at the end of the year that had pictures and art projects in it from the whole year. The decision to move her to the ETSU Early Child Learning Center was difficult, but in the end we think its for the best. She is already excited about "4 year old school"....and it worked out nicely because we think she will be able to start sometime in June when her preschool was out for summer.

Well, here are some pictures of the end of year picnic party for the 2010-11 Yellow Room at Munsey Preschool!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 43

We've had so much rain lately, that when this weekend offered up a beautiful sunny day, we wanted to make the most of it. We went exploring in a park in Brisol, just over the state line that I had seen in passing, but had never been to before. What a gem! It has wonderful playgrounds, walking trails, and picnic areas, which is what we sought out. We found a table and grill tucked next to a pretty stream. It reminded me so much of the Chimneys in the Smokey Mountains (which is by far one of my most favorite places). Lily was dying to go into the stream, but we certainly were not dressed for that, next time we will bring 'water shoes.'

As far as updates on CJ, she is definitely 'finding her voice.' We have nonspecific 'mama' and 'dada' and all kinds of other sounds, that sometimes come in waves when she's in the mood. Her top left tooth is coming in more and the top right is threatening to make an appearance, I have a feeling the poor thing will be snaggle-toothed for awhile.

I wanted to add this picture, because I just love the way she sits with her little feet crossed...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 42

So Caroline is still not crawling, though she loves to get up on her hands and knees and think about it. But more than that she loves to stand, with support, of course. She may end up like Lily and basically skip the crawling stage. She pulled up on this toy basket, so we thought that was the perfect place to capture her.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Royal Affair

So in case you missed it there was a wedding recently...
I had been anticipating it since they announced it, while simultaneously staying away from all the pre-wedding coverage and speculation. The media has a way of taking the joy out of anything...

I DVR'ed the beginning and got Lily up around 6:45AM to get our 'Tea Party' started. We had scones and strawberries, and for our 'tea' we had a choice of cocoa mix or Hershey's syrup to go in our hot milk (to be poured from the teapot, of course).

I have a very distinct memory of watching Diana get married and seeing her long train as she ascended the stairs of the church. This is no doubt one of my earlier memories. Since that time I have always loved the Royals...despite all the sarcastic remarks this position encourages. Considering I was the same age Lily is now, I wanted to make it special for her too. I think her favorite moment was when she saw that the "princess's" daddy got to walk the "princess" down the sweet!!

(wanted to wear these pajamas because they say Princess on them)

Just to show that CJ was there, too!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 41

So if you look REALLY closely Caroline's first little tooth (front left) has finally appeared!

My first Mother's Day with my CJ!

Enjoyed another stay with Nana and Papa!