There's no doubt we are going to get our money's worth out of the 'jumperoo'. We certainly used it for Lily, but if I remember correctly we didn't get it until she was quite a bit older. This time around, it actually was Mattie that put Caroline in something similar at her house. We thought we would give it a try and she just LOVES it. For several weeks now, she been springing along. Her toes barely touch the floor, but once she gets going, she's bouncing away. She also loves to reach out to the toys. She's gotten very good at reaching out and holding onto things lately. I really have to watch the earrings, necklaces, etc. And just for the record, though neither Dave nor I have witnessed it yet, Mattie said that she turned over today....AGGHHH! She's been working on it and I've seen her get the feet over, but I was hoping it would at least be a few more weeks, before she got those shoulders over...but apparently that is not the is my little baby mobile...already!! I'm just not ready for that yet.
This weekend also marked Caroline's first snow...but I'm going to say it doesn't really count, especially because it melted by 10am and it's going to be back in the high 60's this week. It did, however, allow Dave the chance to practice his photog skills :)
We were so excited to have my Aunt Dena and Uncle Chris visit for the weekend! I believe Caroline charmed them as she seems to do with anyone she meets. Hopefully we'll get to return the favor and visit Georgia soon!
I love the face in your week picture- she is so cute!
I love the face in the week picture! She is so cute!
Wow, Caroline is so animated in her block picture. Her little smile is so cute---like she is looking at someone she loves a whole lot but that she's keeping a secret from... We need to get out our jumperoo and put Fisher in it. If I do, though, our house is going to be a bona-fide kiddy playland. We're being overrun by kid toys!!!
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