Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Thursday, January 15, 2015

10 years

The Lord has a way of putting things in our path when He knows we need them most. We, of course, dismiss these moments as 'coincidences.'  I was looking something up for a patient today and I came across this quote.  My, oh my, what a 'coincidence.'

I am not sure if I've read this famous quote before today, but I am sure that if I had, I was unable to fully appreciate it.  Every word is truth.

It has been 10 years.  I will grieve forever.  But I am whole, though I will never be the same. Nor would I want to.

I miss you and I love you, Dad.

1 comment:

CherylH said...

Oh my, I was thinking about Tom today, too. This is a great picture of you dancing, such a happy Dad. Love the subtle messages being sent your way.