This is the first post made on our slick new computer. Its rocking 10GB of RAM, a six core 3.5 MHz processor and 2 TB of memory. Lets just say that getting pictures uploaded to the blog just got a little bit easier. In honor of us purchasing this computer in Winston Salem, and its body-rocking speed, we have named it the "Dash" after Winston-Salem's minor league baseball team.
As impressive as the new computer is, it does bear a disturbing resemblance to a cylon centurion.
In recognition of my duty hours with the girls, Emily let me spend the day yesterday at the Winston-Salem Open with some friends. It turns out that this is a pretty popular tournament. We were there on qualifying day (because Emily could get us free tickets for that day) and got to see Roddick warming up. We also watched matches from great seats that had Benjamin Becker and Michael Llodra in them. I am told by Gran that those are moderately big names on the tennis circuit. Here is a picture from Court 1, Llodra is in the orange shirt on the court. The Wake Forest football stadium is in the background.
Doing a little school shopping last night for Lily, CJ and I took the opportunity to clown around a bit in Crazy 8's.