Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 6

Week 6! Lily, Caroline and I took a quick trip to Knoxville. We snapped the week pic on Gran's couch. I did have a lovely outside shot set up with the magnolia tree in the background, etc. However between the baby's sleeping schedule and the scorching sun, let's just say it didn't work out so well. Caroline is a great traveler, so far. She made the trip without a problem and appears to have made a new friend, as well. Love that Snuggle Puppy!

Pretty little profile. I love those cheeks.

My girls enjoying some swing time with Gran.

Ms. Bobbie was able to stop by and pay a visit. We were so excited for her meet Caroline.

Nana and Papa were able to come down for a visit during Week 5 (sorry I'm just now getting those pics up!) We were so excited to have them here and for them to see how much baby Caroline has changed. She was putting on her best smiles for them :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 5

As you can see, baby Caroline is getting the smiling thing down these days.
We went for her 1 month appointment and she already weighs 11 pounds 7 ounces!! To remind everyone that is up form 8lbs8oz at birth. She is a big beautiful girl!
She remains to be a fantastic baby, so content and easy going it seems. I sure hope it stays that way when I go back to work.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 4

What a big week! Caroline just continues to go with the flow. Which is lucky for all of us due to the fact that we certainly have not slowed down since she was born. This past week she went to the aquarium, Dollywood (twice), and Fun Expedition. The heat, the noise, the people, none of it seemed to bother her...she's been the best travel long as she has a full belly, that is!

Yes! Those are mermaids!

Lily says to Dave, "Don't worry Daddy, I'll protect you."

Pure Joy
First Roller Coaster!

Favorite of all: The CARS! I think she rode them 4 times total. Thank goodness there wasn't a long line!

On the Dollywood Express, her first real train ride :)
We did our best to beat the heat by going late one afternoon and evening, getting in the next day free. We were back the next day when the park opened. It was still scorching hot, but we all had a great time and poor baby Caroline was a champ in the heat. It was surprising how much was available for Lily to ride and play with/on. Gotta love Dolly!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 3

At the end of Week 3 Caroline was on the move again as she took her first road trip. Not too far down the road, but to look at our car and all the packing required for two little ones, it might as well been a cross-country tour! Gran graciously shared her condo in Gatlinburg with us for a few days and we filled those days with fun (more pics of that to come later). The bear was a token from there and the Great Smoky Mountains.

Usually it's the tourists that have to be worried about being eaten by the bears, not the other way around....

Caroline has been smiling a lot more lately, which I love! Of course, she's always sneaking them when we don't have the camera ready. Here we caught her giving us just a little grin :)

She loves her bath time, and I love to play with her hair, poor helpless soul.

Just being sweet and peaceful hangin' with mommy..

Monday, August 2, 2010

7 years later...


...we have 2 Master's degrees, 2 Doctorate degrees, 2 dogs, bought 2 houses, and now welcomed 2 amazing daughters into this world. I'd say we're not doing too badly. Happy Anniversary!
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandpa and Betty

I think I must be getting old. With the arrival of Caroline, I realized how many pictures we have taken over the years and simply dumped on our hard-drive at home. In trying to organize and back them up on Picasa, I have found a lot of really great pictures from times and events that I had completely forgotten until glancing at the photographic reminder. Here is a picture of the last time we saw my Grandpa alive. I can still remember his handshake which surprised me in its firmness despite my Grandpa's years.