Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Light Reading

Fortunately, I only have an 8 o'clock class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That means Lily and I can sleep a little later and take our time on Tuesdays, Thursdays...and Saturdays (sounds familiar doesn't it?!?!)

This morning Lily and I enjoyed some brown sugar/maple syrup flavored oatmeal. While Lily was eating and I was chasing down my first cup of coffee, she decided to review some of the latest medical research in Emily's JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association). I am of course immensely disappointed that her first choice in journal literature was not something in the Public Choice or Austrian economics arena....but what the heck, the JAMA probably bodes better for my retirement estate!

1 comment:

Acquired Taste Accents said...


Shug, you have a gift...well lots of 'em, but the way you word your family "Blog" is most engaging and creatively descriptive. I'm entertained and my heart is warmed after checking in with you and your sweet, beautiful family.

Ms. Lily is clearly loved and cherished, and rightly so...what a doll baby...the best of you both!

"Write On" Ms.Em
love to you all,