We are a little backed up on posting because we have spent the last two weeks traveling around the East Coast. Our adventures started with a spectacular wedding on Maryland's eastern shore (one of the state's few redeeming qualities). The Dan and The Shell got married at a beautiful retreat that was isolated from most of the modern world....though not without the modern world's perks. The retreat had a heated swimming pool, jacuzzi, game room, and plenty of grass that made for an excellent bacci ball field. The link to the retreat is below:
Significantly, one of the best good luck signs of the day (other than the great weather), was Lily's squishy nose of approval following the ceremony.
Needless to say, we celebrated the thing like it should have been celebrated (complete with a homemade fireworks show). The Dan sang a soppy love song to The Shell (it was very sweet), and later in the evening The Dan did his performance of "The Humpty Dance" where he was truly about "to ruin the image and the style that ya used to". And to all the other rappers in the top 10, he did indeed bump thee.
There was a beautiful sunset that evening that was so picturesque it could have appeared in the sunset room at The Big Bamboo. And speaking of The Big Bamboo, The Campbell Pack was up early the next morning and on the next leg of our journey....the 13 hour drive to Hilton Head!
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