The Rock: There are few places we know of that would possess us to make the 13 hour drive Dave described in the post below, but Hilton Head is one of them. Dave found us a great condo

with a "5minute" walk to beach (give or take 2-3 minutes). Here he is pulling daddy duty as we set off for some fun in the sun, with the Bob in tow.
Lily took all the new experiences in stride. She found out quickly that she wasn't too fond of eating sand....even though Mary Hudson tried to convince her otherwise. Nana provided some fabulous beach toys, and though I think Lily's daddy had the most fun playing with them, she really liked the white shovel...just the right size....

As for the pool....well....indifferent is probably the best description of Lily's reaction. She was most excited about

the plastic bottle she was playing with.....which I took away right before this picture. Dave tried to float her on her belly to see if she would kick or splash.....but all she wanted to do was drink the water.....
Anna, Sam and Mary Hudson joined us mid-week. Luckily it was Anna that had a medical conference on the Island, that triggered the idea for the whole vacation in the first place. It was a blast having both babies together, mock 'baby fighting', and seeing which could out-screech the other....oh, the memories..

Nana and Papa were of course there the whole week, and I don't think Lily could have had more fun. Between bubbles and boom-boxes and games of peek-a-boo (one of Lily's favorites) Nana had Lily constantly entertained.


To end the week, we went to Gavin's first birthday party (seated far right in the picture below). Gavin and Mary Hudson stay together during the week, with a nanny. It was great timing that Gavin's b-day fell when we were down there and Gavin's grandparents just happen to live down the street from where we were staying....
I love the picture of the three babies, because if you look close, they all are playing with their own pine needles, needless to say, that was way more interesting than three mothers making goofy noises and faces, trying to get their attention.