We just got back from a week with Nana and Papa at the beach in Emerald Isle. The house we stay at sits on the backside of the outer bank right next to the sound. There is a pier that has proven fun over the years for goofing around with small crabs and fish. As part of the yard sale blitz earlier this summer, I found my old bass pole that was last used (and never successfully) in 2003 according to the fishing license I found in my tackle box. The tackle box itself was full of old bass lures.
Anyway, we were down on the dock the second night and I decided to put a small spinner on the line and let Lily have fun reeling it in (with zero expectation of catching anything, after all it was all bass stuff). But it seems as though the cosmic bakers are not without a sense of humor....I got a hard tug on the line and hollared out for Chip to come over.....he was convinced I had caught the bottom. It turns out that what I had was this flounder!
It was a good size fish and all the kids got to get a good look at him while he was on the dock (Lily touched him, in addition to many other fish and crabs, we were super proud of how inquisitive she was). It was a clean hook in the jaw so we got it out without much problem and released him back into the sound. Many thanks to Em for the pics below.