For the first time over the last two years I have a summer to work on the garden that doesn't involve moving to or from Winston-Salem. Of course, the constraints of that situation led to some pretty creative garden designs that were a lot of particular the festival of popcorn from 2012. This year there is no popcorn, but I have implemented a lot of other fun ideas! The trellises are back and on the back row of the garden. They will support tomato plants and have various peppers, basil, yellow squash and nasturtium interplanted with them.
The rosemary bush that had lived and grown into almost a full blown shrub was killed by the extremely cold winter, so I tilled that next row completely and took advantage of the road construction next door to do a decorative border on that bed. It has a lot of flowers in it....I've tried to consciously incorporate more color this year. It helps that I got a pack from Johnny's that is a collection of edible flowers!
Here is the bounty of is interplanted with broccoli and cauliflower. These are actually the best looking plants in this group I've ever grown....probably attributable to using the row cover while they were young.
Here are the squash mounds (you knew they'd be in there)....this year's fall squash selections include acorn, butternut and pumpkins. I actually started them at a reasonable more pumpkins in July!
This is a scarlet runner is growing up one of the stick trellises in the rock lined bed. The beans and flowers on this plant are edible.
I planted radishes as a trap crop for some of the other vegetables that I actually like....they did their job and grew anyway. Anybody interested in some radishes?
SWEET POTATOS! This is a first for me....I hope they turn out!
The decorative bed....most of the plants in this bed are either herbs or flowers.
The four plants in the background here are Calendulas....another edible flower.
And of course I've got some gourds started and set to grow up the fence!