Lily enjoys not only designing our Jack-o-lantern each year, she likes to name it as well. This year, we'd like you to meet Zella.

Gran got to make it up for the festivities!

The architect and contractor showing off Zella.

We took Zella out front to put her in the porch decorations.

While we were working on the porch, we heard a noise coming from inside the house...

Caroline was getting excited about this whole trick or treat thing!

Big sister found an even bigger bucket that she wanted to take trick or treating. After we explained that all the candy would be Caroline's since it had her name on it, Lily went back to the pink jack-o-lantern bucket! In the process, however, candy did get left in this Caroline bucket, which is where Thatcher found the Tootsie pops that he enjoyed eating. My best guess is that he got through 3 before I figured out what he was up to.

Our annual trick or treating crew was looking good on Halloween!

A daylight view of the fall display on our front porch....tip for buying mums, get the ones that have lots of buds but haven't bloomed yet....and water them (go figure).

Our very pumpkiny front porch was quite popular with trick or treaters again this year. In fact, one nice family stopped to take a picture on our front porch because it was their little one's first trick or treat ever!

Glow on Zella, glow on.