So the second attempt at getting CJ to look at the camera for the week picture, didn't go as I wanted. But, she has the beautiful purple dress that almost perfectly matched the purple tulips, so I had to give it a try. Below you see the blocks have mesmerizing power over this baby, and it's never enough to get just one, she won't stop until they are all conquered. Dave and I got inspired and cleaned out the girls closet as well as the stored clothes in the attic. Can you find the baby?
TULIPS!! We are finally able to reap all of Dave's hard work planting his favorite flower.
But of course he took off to the Bahamas when they first began to Mom stayed with us and helped keep the wheels on the bus, so to speak. Here's Caroline enjoying a hilarious game of peek-a-boo...through the sheer scarf, of course! And Lily actually smiling at the camera...which should fully explain how much fun she was having doing crafts with Gran. She always brings such fun things to do!
Lily loved the meerkats...they are so expressive with their body language..and I think you can read Lily's here, too.
Somebody should have told me to take off my stupid sunglasses...otherwise this is a pretty cute picture! Caroline loves the Bjorn, she loves to be outside and she loves to SEE what's going on.
Of course, the highlight for Lily, the MERRY GO ROUND!!! So glad we saved this for the end of the day or we would not have seen the rest of the zoo!
CJ is such a trooper. She didn't sleep the whole day, until finally her little eyes could not take it anymore. She fell asleep on the walk to the car.
We took a quick trip to the Knoxville Zoo on Saturday. Mom and Jonathan joined us. It was such a gorgeous day to be outside...finally breaking free from this cold cold winter. We thought we would have Caroline pose by the turtle since we have such a great picture of Lily by him as well. In hindsight, we should have thought of that earlier, because by the time of the picture she was well past her nap and no interest in anything but the leaves on the ground.