The above is Caroline's input on the matter :)
Caroline had her 6 month check up this week.
Her stats are 89% for height and 85% for weight. I think we all know there won't be any 'slim kids' around this household..as my friend Elizabeth said...I gave birth to a toddler...that's just fine 'cause she is 100% mamma's milk made.
Just a quick note about Caroline's outfit. This was given to me by a patient of mine. I wanted to make sure I captured it in this way, because this is no average patient. She is one of my OB continuity patients, which basically means, I followed her throughout her pregnancy and delivered her baby. Being in Family Medicine, we only manage 'low risk' OB. This means that usually everything flows without a hitch, with the only hiccup being a c-section if for some reason the labor does not go as planned....
To say this labor did not go as planned is an understatement. I won't drag out the details, but my patient, to no one's fault but the law of numbers, almost did not survive her labor. She became very ill and the baby became in distress requiring an emergent section. The baby was out in less than three minutes (I thankfully had an amazing OBGYN on with me that night). My patient developed DIC and HELLP syndrome and was moved to the ICU. I've never been so scared in my life for someone under may care. To add to all of this, I was almost full term myself and this was when Dave was in the Ukraine. I remember staying up at night checking in to the hospital from my computer at home. Luckily most pregnant women are otherwise healthy young women, and this was the case for my patient. Her youth pulled her through and four days later she was released.
I soon went on maternity leave myself and did not get to see her at her post-partum follow-up. Once I was back, I had the very pleasant surprise to see my patient and her beautiful son come visit me before they were leaving for overseas. At that visit, she presented me with a present that included this outfit. I was so taken by surprise and truly touched. I don't think she will ever know what an impact she made on my as a physician...I truly will never forget her.