Our trip to Hilton Head for Christmas this year marked the first time that Caroline has visited the beach. Here are some pictures from the first time she walked on a beach and actually got to see the ocean.
We spent the weekend of December 10th at Gran's house in Knoxville. This trip served several purposes....first, it was a get-together for Emily's high school girls posse, second, we were able to go out for my birthday and have reliable babysitters (thanks Gran and Jonathan), and third, Lily got to open her "big" present from Gran so that we wouldn't have to take it all the way to Hilton Head and back.
Alright, so the actual day may have already passed....but now is really the first time I've had the time and energy to catch up on some posts, so here we are putting up the Christmas decorations. Lily and Emily split the tree ornaments into two groups....those that are Caroline-proof and those that aren't! Lily was a big help putting ornaments on the tree. You could tell where the ladder was because she would really fill out that space with ornaments (two and three on the same branch) The girl is thorough!
We went to the Biltmore last weekend so the girls could visit with Santa. They were excited (at first) and Lily had planned out exactly what she was going to ask Santa for Christmas (the Ariel movie). Unfortunately, the early excitement in these first few photos was short lived...
It all began with the actual approach to Santa....who it should be noted, was an excellent fellow and not scary/mean/intimidating in the least. Lily got a little nervous and took off running, then we heard the crying. She had fallen and scraped her knee. Compounded with her trepidation meeting Kris Kringle, she melted down completely. Of course, Caroline was not far behind her...and here are images from the fall out.
Of course, some hot chocolate always helps sooth those ruffled feathers :)