I can't believe Halloween has come and gone. As we were returning home tonight, I saw someone had already put up their Christmas lights....why is everyone always in such a rush!
We started off the weekend carving our Jack-o-lantern "Sarah" as it was named by Lily. Lily chose the design and helped clean out 'the guts'. Caroline supervised.
This year Lily was able to tell us what she wanted to be for Halloween...and it was a no-brainer for her...DORA!!
The grandparents will tell you it is Lily's favorite. So, there was a bit of pride swallowing for me because I had made all of Lily's costumes up to this year, and was hoping that would be 'my thing'...but after the melt-down we had last year it was more important to us(me) for her to have fun then for me to achieve my own agenda...so Dora it was.
Dora would not be complete without her sidekick...so luckily for her we planned it just right to have baby Caroline aka "Boots the monkey" by her side. Admittedly, not the costume I would have chosen for my sweet baby girl's first Halloween, but again, I'm working hard to put my own preferences aside...and to be honest it was pretty cute and Caroline was a champ. Really, I should know by now not to expect anything else from her, she remains one of the most evenly tempered babies. She is such a dream.
My concern was, as usual, with Big Sister. She informed me the night before trick-or treating that she in fact was not going to wear her Dora costume......say what?!?! Luckily she's old enough to understand no Dora, no candy. And when time came, thanks to some helpful persuasion from Gran as well, Lily easily got dressed for the night. And then it happened....like a switch was thrown, Lily was Lily no more, but Dora incarnate. She truly transformed and with such life and enthusiasm, it was a joy to watch...kind of like Christmas when you enjoy watching them enjoy their presents way more than receiving them yourself.
Gran helped Dora make a map for the evening...Step 1: Down the street, Step 2: Up the sidewalk, Step 3: Knock on the door! And that's how you get Halloween candy :) Lily made sure this map was in hand for the evening's adventure and she used it too. It was SO cute!
"Mr. Luke" (as Dave calls him) and my friend Elizabeth came over again this year. Luke readily informed us that his name was not Luke, but "Spiderman"...got it!