Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

28 weeks

We've not been up to too much around here.
I'm 28 weeks along now, she's still practicing
her Jujitsu...and we still have no name yet!

Here are some pics from a recent park trip.

A pic from my recent 'girls weekend' in Beech mountain, thanks to Mandy and her family!
Love these ladies!!
Finally, a pic of the progress....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Morning

Though I was post-call, I still made it to church (pretty sure I stayed awake for the sermon) and more importantly had the chance to enjoy family time and such amazing weather. Lily was a champ waiting for that Easter bunny to come, considering it took him until the afternoon to get here.

Lily loves to get her hands on the camera...this is one of her latest shots....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Our Easter morning started off with eggs, bacon and monkey bread. After breakfast we went to church at Grandview, and then came home for a bite of lunch and a nap.....which was when that sneaky Easter bunny decided to visit Lily! Here she is waking up from her nap, getting dressed (thanks for the dress Nana), and heading off on an egg-tastic, Easter afternoon!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday, Indeed!

Glorious sunshine, it truly felt heaven sent today. These pics are from just one of the many endeavors we embarked on today. Lily LOVES to help her Daddy, especially when it comes to work outside. We were adding to the day lily bed and our Lily was eager to help. She's pretty darn good with that shovel!

Oh, and for those of you who know my daughter, can you believe she is wearing a hat!!!! When I asked her to put it on, she not only put it on without a fuss but KEPT it on!!!! I know this seems insignificant, but this is truly the first day this has even happened. I was SO excited. Isn't it funny what a parent's world gets reduced to...

And on a side note, for those of you who haven't seen me in awhile, this is me about a week ago (24weeks). We are having another girl, and I have a feeling (or a kicking from inside) that this one is going to be a handful! (no names, yet)