Snow Sisters

Snow Sisters

Friday, February 26, 2010

Recipe for Wild Time

Flour....check (and some even in the bowl)! 2 year old....check (that's 2 and a half Daddy!) Block tower.....check! Dog with cone head.....check! Sugar....obviously!

At this point we interpreted the "teaspoons size rounded balls" as more like guidelines than rules.

The cool 2 and a half year old with crab sunglasses and delicious sugar cookies!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Mattie has been out of town this week, and thanks to the flexibility of a professor's schedule, I can do most of my work from home. So today and tomorrow that is exactly where I'll be! Lily and I started off this morning with a little castle can see, she's very proud of it! She is responsible for all of the creativity and design, I generally follow behind her and "stabilize her vision".

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Poor Thatcher had to go to the Vet yesterday to have some work done. He had three growths removed, and his teeth cleaned. Fortunately, all the early indications are that the growths were benign. The Vet is sending them off to the lab just to be sure. The procedure went fine, but he sure was funny while the effects of the anesthesia lingered. He was so tired, but did not want to lay down, so I'd scratch his jowls until he just about fell asleep standing up! He seems much more himself this morning, as his look of indignation illustrates in the photo below. The problem is that Thatcher is a bit of a licker (I know I'm not shocking anyone with that statement). And he has already been licking his stitches, so the space helmet had to go on. We'll see how long he stays fixed in that spot on the stairs....and of course, how could you not feel better getting the personalized attention of our little doctor!