It was particularly windy during our attempt to get a month picture. This and toddler-hood (see below) didn't produce the best opportunity to capture Lily at 16 months, but I think you get the idea.
Again, I said it was windy....not real wild about this pic of me, but it's good of everyone else, so I'll suck it up...and it's rare we get someone to take a pic of all three of us, so take it where you can get it, I suppose!
I was fortunate enough to attend a McCain rally in northeast Tennessee the day before the election. Though obviously unsuccessful in his bid for the White House, I still enjoyed the opportunity to attend the rally and partake in a small piece of history.
Dave and his political class sponsored an election night party and Lily and I joined for as long as she allowed. Lily was kind enough to help her daddy out by preparing the candy bowls for the tables. She did such a great job, she would reach into the bag of tootsie-rolls and carefully transfer them to the bowl. It was too cute! (and amazingly she did not try to eat every one!) She also loved playing with all the balloons. What are political parties without balloons?!The turnout (though Lily and I were long gone and tucked into our respective beds) well exceeded Dave's expectations, with well over 250 students attending. This required a third pizza run for him but it was well worth it for the fellowship on such an historical night.