Tuesday, September 30, 2008
For a change Lily feeds the dogs their own food...instead of hers!
That's fine with us, just one more chore (see previous post)
the baby is mastering!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The State Line
Okay so I know you can't hardly make this picture out, but it is the sign at the State Line Drive-In Movie in Elizabethton. The marquee reads Tropic Thunder (which I highly recommend, especially if you are a Ben Stiller fan).
We took Lily to her first drive-in movie this weekend. Not one that was necessarily appropriate for her viewing, but it started past her bed-time so we were hoping she'd sleep through it.
She slept, but it took awhile to get to that point. Who knew being free to crawl around the front of the Jeep could be so fun, not to mention turning the steering wheel and pressing all the buttons.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
And for my next trick....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What's the Frequency Kenneth?
We thought everything was going well, he was given what were supposed to be the questions beforehand, as to be appropriately prepared with a response. But apparently things change in the news business and it turned out that of the three questions he was asked, only one he knew about beforehand.
I think he did great, especially for his first live TV (via phone) interview.....oh yeah, and at 5:24 in the morning. Click here to check it out!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Month 14
We have been having so much fun with Lily over the past month, it just seems to keep getting better, the more and more active and engaged she becomes. It is such a joy to watch her discover the world. Everyday she seems to pick up a new word, or at least the inflection of a word. So far her favorites are Juice, Shoes, Dog, and we're working on Thank you....it kind of sounds like "Tai-ku" but she gets the inflection. She's so proud of herself too, when she first said Juice....that's all we heard for the next 30 minutes.
But, as I said, there's also the flip side, as she is learning to assert her independence....something her mother never did....I assure you. So, I suppose appropriately, on her 14 month birthday, I had to officially discipline her and put her in "time-out" which at this point just constitutes putting her back into her crib. But it was certainly as hard for me as it was for her, basically because all I kept thinking was......'and so it's begun'......
This picture may shed a little light onto why she was such a handful this morning. She's been chewing on that back right gum for two days now, and as mentioned in a previous post, that back molar is the next to make an appearance. Guess I should have cut her a little slack?!??.
And finally here are a few pics from our Saturday morning trip to Winged Deer Park that has a wonderful interactive playground. Lily was a big fan of the swings, and the steering wheel that looked like Daddy's Jeep.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Earning Her Keep
and Lily was not to be left out.....who knew child labor could be so fun!
Occasionally, even after a good sweep and vacuum, a little polishing is needed...
regardless of the means....
Taking pity on the little tyke, we introduced her to the Swiffer...I'm not
too sure she was impressed.
Monday, September 1, 2008
We took a fun but quick trip up to NOVA this weekend. Now that Lily is such a motor boat - I was quite impressed that she tolerated being in the car for as long as she did. We took a much needed break at JMU (Dave's Alma Mater, of course) and I don't think I've seen Lily as blissfully happy as she was running freely around the campus....and it was significantly past her bedtime.