So, I know, you thought the whole 'block' thing was over.... we did too... but due to gentle prodding we've decided to continue on a monthly basis.....
Because my schedule currently allows it, after we take our daily runs at the VA, we let Lily have a turn and walk/try to run around herself. She loves it when we bring her soccer ball too and the video clip below is a taste of what that action is like.
At times, we let Gator off leash because he's the only one we're sure will return.... as long as we have a ball, that is. I don't know which one Lily loves more, running after the ball herself, or sharing it with G.
Last weekend we all took a trek to Knoxville, so Dave and I could celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary while getting excellent childcare. Though the days were oppressively hot, we stole a few morning hours away at
"The Cove" and Lily had a blast discovering the playground and the locals.